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Deze pagina beschrijft het project van de gemeenschap over onderhoud met de codenaam Evergreen, die onderhoud van openSUSE ondersteunt na het einde van ondersteuning geleverd door Novell.


Wat is het?

In januari 2011 heeft het door Novell gesponserde onderhoud voor openSUSE 11.1 zijn einde bereikt; deze service wordt nog steeds geleverd gedurende 18 maanden na de uitgavedatum (2 uitgaven + 2 maanden) voor openSUSE 11.2 en later.

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"Evergreen" is a community effort to prolong maintenance of openSUSE after this period of time.

The currently supported distribution is openSUSE 11.1.

As this is the first trial it's not fully outlined which scope of the full distribution can be supported. The plan is to provide updates for as many components as possible. The same holds true for the time period of the support.

How to activate

 sudo zypper ar --refresh -r
  • create a file /etc/zypp/vendors.d/evergreen with the following content
vendors = openSUSE Evergreen,suse,opensuse

You can do this from the command line by cutting and pasting the below. You will need to enter the root password for sudo to complete.

cat > /tmp/tmp.evergreen << EOF
vendors = openSUSE Evergreen,suse,opensuse
sudo mkdir /etc/zypp/vendors.d
sudo cp /tmp/tmp.evergreen /etc/zypp/vendors.d/evergreen

Afterwards you should get available updates when you use sudo zypper up.

YaST's online update module does not work unfortunately since we currently have no way to create patches as needed for it.

In addition to the above update repository the distribution repositories are available on

The full Packman repo for 11.1 as of Feb 2011 was also archived at GWDG:

while the Packman team thankfully is still providing the Essentials repository for Evergreen/11.1 for example here:

They can be added to zypp using


Remove the old distribution repositories on via

 zypper rr NAME

You can also use YaST to control your subscribed repositories.

The Packman Essentials repo continues to be build and is in the standard location. The above archive packman repository is only needed for packages not included in the essentials repo.


Communication currently happens via the mailing list evergreen

Lead developer of the project is Wolfgang Rosenauer.

Update Policy

An update policy is not yet in place, but in general it will align along the regular openSUSE maintenance policies.

Team members

Packager information

  • target project for contributors is openSUSE:Evergreen:11.1:Test
  • the RPM Release tag must use the following format: $MAJOR.<RELEASE$MINOR> where $MAJOR is using the same number as the 11.1 version of the package and $MINOR is latest_available + 1; if the update package has a higher Version the correct Release should have $MAJOR = 0 and $MINOR = 1

Update status

An overview of the current update status with the fixed or improved packages is shown on the page Evergreen 11.1.

Novell/openSUSE links