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Het huidige openSUSE bevat meerdere varianten van MySQL. Allen leveren op het eerste gezicht gelijke functionaliteit, maar ze verschillen in details en doel. De standaard variant voor openSUSE is MySQL Community Server.

MySQL Community Server

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If you are unsure and just want some MySQL, this is what you want. MySQL Community Server is opensource variant of MySQL server developed mainly by Oracle.


MariaDB is a branch of MySQL maintained by community in collaboration with Monty Program. It incorporates many improvements provided by community and more opensource storage engines. List of differences can be found on official site.

MySQL Cluster

Other opensource product from Oracle. MySQL Cluster contains as a core MySQL Community Server, but it adds clustering support.

Unstable versions

If you are not satisfied with these three versions, you can use server:database:UNSTABLE repository, where are newest version always available including beta versions.

External documentation

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