Nog te doen:
- Stroomlijnen van SDB:Systeem opwaarderen
- Invoegen SDB:Instlux mogelijkheid in de documentatie en artikel over opwaarderen met enige schermafdrukken
Werk in uitvoering:
Dit artikel is nog maar gedeeltelijk vertaald. Als u mee wilt helpen met vertalen lees dan Wiki vertalen naar het Nederlands. |
- Writing of SDB:Partitioning with useful information about various partition schemes possible during installation.
- Writing of SDB:File_system explain to beginners how the file-system in linux works.
- Writing of SDB:Installation on external hard drive extra steps to the normal installation. (Screenshots uploaded) --Muhlemmer
- Upgrade SDB:Network installation to the latest versions and some screenshots
- Fill the Welkom to... box on this portal (on top) with something usefull
- Moving Category:SDB:Installation to portal, articles that belong here.
- Prepare openSUSE 11.4 installation docs. (SDB:DVD installation for 11.4 and SDB:Live CD installation for 11.4)
- Uploaded DVD installation screenshots
- Created this portal with releases box and category tree in right collomn --Muhlemmer
- Filled screenshots box with content --Muhlemmer
- Filled topics box with most typical installation resources and download links --Muhlemmer
- Create a sub-category structure for easier navigation --Muhlemmer
Last updated by --Muhlemmer 13:46, 13 March 2011 (MDT)