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Beveiligings-features van openSUSE helpen om te voorkomen dat bugs kunnen worden uitgebuit.



Zaken voor het bijwerken van de beveiliging van openSUSE worden geleverd door het SUSE beveiligingsteam tot twee maanden na de tweede volgende uitgave, wat op dit moment ongeveer 18 maanden is. Zie de openSUSE pagina Lifetime voor details.

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A well defined Incident Handling Process is used to track, coordinate and release updates.

Security announcements are sent to the opensuse-security-announce mailinglist. An archive is also available. There is also a RSS feed that you can subscribe to.

Updates are freely available on our Update Mirrors. Desktop applets warn users about new updates and offer to install them with just some mouse clicks. Alternatively command line update tools (zypper) or graphical package management tools (YaST) are also available for installing updates, or you can even turn on fully automatic update installation.